Cow Standards

  • HEAD moderately long, with a broad indented Forehead, tapering considerably towards the Nostrils; the Nose of creamy-white, the Nostrils high and open, the Jaws clean, the Eye bright, lively and prominent; Throat clean, Ears thin, the Expression being gentle and intelligent; Horns matching, long, spreading, and gradually turned up, of waxy color, tipped with a darker shade.

  • NECK of medium length, growing from the Head to the shoulders, and spreading out to meet them.

  • WITHERS fine, Shoulders flat, sloping and well covered.

  • CHEST Deep with a wide floor showing body capacity for vital organs with well sprung fore ribs when viewed from the front and side.

  • RIBS well sprung from the Backbone, nicely arched, deep and fully developed.

  • BACK straight and level from the Withers, to the setting on of the Tail, Loins broad and full, Hips of medium width and on a level with the Back.

  • RUMPS moderately long and level.

  • HIND-QUARTERS deep, thick and square.

  • TAIL thick at the root and tapering, with a brush of strong hair, reaching to the Hocks, and hanging at right angles with the back.

  • UDDER not fleshy, coming well forward in line with the Belly, and well up behind. Moderate depth relative to the hock and consideration for age, good clearance. Firmly attached both front and rear udder and uniform in size and shape. Clearly defined halving of the udder with teats centrally placed. Teats of medium length and diameter and cylindrical. The udder floor and quarters are evenly balanced when viewed from the side and the rear. The udder is soft and pliable with no deformities.

  • SKIN moderately thick and mellow, covered with an abundant coat of rich mossy hair of a red color; white about the Udder is admissible, but it should not extend beyond the Navel forward, on the outside of the Flanks or any other part of the Limbs or Body.

  • BARREL Long and adequate depth and width from the withers to the brisket proceeding to the hips and down to the flank Item description

  • FEET AND LEGS Straight and squarely placed from behind not to cross or sweep when walking with adequate width. Movement should be smooth and consistent, the stride long and fluid. Steep between the hip and pin bones. Some flex to the hock but not excessive when viewed from the side and no swelling of the hock

Bull Standards

  • HEAD masculine, Forehead broad, tapering towards the Nose, which should be flesh-colored; Nostrils high and open, Muzzle broad, Eyes full and placid, Ears medium size and thickness, fringed with hair; Horns growing at right angles from the head or slightly elevated, stout and waxy at the base, tipped with a darker shade.

  • CHEEK full, broad at the root of the tongue, Throat clean.

  • NECK of medium length and muscular, growing from the Head to the Shoulders, and spreading out to meet them.

  • WITHERS of medium length and muscular, growing from the Head to the shoulders, and spreading out to meet them.

  • CHEST Deep, broad, and somewhat circular in character.

  • RIBS well sprung from the Backbone, nicely arched, deep and fully developed.

  • BACK straight and level from the Withers, to the setting on of the Tail, Loins broad and full, Hips of medium width and on a level with the Back.

  • RUMPS moderately long, full and level.

  • HIND-QUARTERS deep, thick and square.

  • TAIL thick at the root and tapering, with a brush of strong hair, reaching to the Hocks, and hanging at right angles with the back.

  • ARMS AND THIGHS muscular.

  • SKIN moderately thick and mellow, covered with an abundant coat of rich mossy hair of a red color; a little white in front of the Purse is admissible, but it should not extend beyond the Navel forward, on the outside of the Flanks, or any other part of the Limbs or Body.

  • BARREL Long and adequate depth and width from the withers to the brisket proceeding to the hips and down to the flank.

  • FEET AND LEGS Straight and squarely placed when viewed from behind, not to cross or sweep when walking with adequate width. Movement shouild be smooth and consistent, the stride long and fluid. Steep angle to the feet with a deep heel, and short and strong flex to the pastern. Thurls positioned centrally between the hip and pin bones. Some flex to the hock but not excessive when viewed from the side and no swelling of the hock.