Gathering of breeders at Bardwell Farms

Professor Conroy holds a B.S. Degree in Animal Science from the University of New Hampshire, a Masters Degree in Agriculture from Northwest Missouri State University, and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from UNH. He teaches primarily Animal and Dairy Science courses at the University of New Hampshire. He is a registered professional animal scientist for beef cattle and dairy cattle and is one of the foremost authorities on draft oxen in North America. He has written three books, and nearly 100 hundred articles, produced 5 educational videos, been featured in 2 major motion pictures, and consulted for numerous television stations assisting with documentaries on draft animals. He has conducted workshops all over the world on the subject of ox training, yoking, and using oxen in both historic and contemporary settings. He and his wife Janet operate a small, diversified grass-based farm in Berwick, Maine where they raise cattle, sheep, and poultry, which keeps him actively engaged with the local agricultural community. He frequently judges cattle, oxen, and other livestock at agricultural fairs and events. He is a former president and board member of the American Milking Devon Association.

Gathering of breeders at Maple Breeze Farm

The American Milking Devon Cattle Association Board of Directors recently sponsored a fall gathering at Maple Breeze Farm in Westbrook, Connecticut. John and Bonnie Hall did a wonderful job hosting the sixty-eight attendees.

The program started with Ray Ludwig and Eli Dube giving a great demonstration with their Devon working steers while Professor Drew Conroy spoke about working Devon oxen and moderated the resulting discussion. Everyone enjoyed a hearty lunch, completely grown on the Hall’s farm.

Next Drew Conroy examined and discussed the conformation of a number of bulls. Artificial insemination, and bull management where also discussed. Finally we viewed and critiqued the Halls wonderful herd of cows and heifers. Drew Conroy again led the discussion on topics including cow and heifer management, breeding age, conformation, culling and nutrition.

Professor Conroy holds a B.S. Degree in Animal Science from the University of New Hampshire, a Masters Degree in Agriculture from Northwest Missouri State University, and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from UNH.He teaches primarily Animal and Dairy Science courses at the University of New Hampshire. He is a registered professional animal scientist for beef cattle and dairy cattle, and is one of the foremost authorities on draft oxen in North America. He has written three books, nearly 100 hundred articles, produced 5 educational videos, been featured in 2 major motion pictures, consulted for numerous television stations assisting with documentaries on draft animals. He has conducted workshops all over the world on the subject of ox training, yoking and using oxen in both historic and contemporary settings. He and his wife Janet operate a small, diversified grass based farm in Berwick, Maine where they raise cattle, sheep, and poultry, which keeps him actively engaged with the local agricultural community. He frequently judges cattle, oxen and other livestock at agricultural fairs and events. He is a former president and board member of the American Milking Devon Association.

In addition to the program everyone did a great job of networking and sharing information and experiences with one another. The day was a great success, and we are looking forward to more in the future.